Monday 17 August 2009

Death of Men..

For the past weeks or even months, I can say that I recieved news about death at least once a week.. Oddly, most of the deaths involved men below 50.. A coincidence?? Why is that so?? I don't know.. Qada' and Qadar by Allah I guess..

Not only that, most of the deaths related heart problems.. Surprise2, I'm sure everybody know that heart related problems are no. 1 killer for men.. It is sad and scary to find that not many men will be able to reach the age of 50.. *So this would mean that those who managed to cross the age of 50 would be considered as lucky isn't it? hehe*..

Here I would like to advice all people (men especially) to take care of their health by eating more healthy foods (more vege n fruits) and less high cholestrol foods.. I heard one said that if you (men) have bigger waist, there is a higher probability of you getting heart attack (*so come on guys, exercise!!)..

P/S- Vitamin C (Fruits and Vege) are very good for our immunity system.. With the problem of H1N1, let's boost up our immunity by eating more fruits and veges.. Or just take the supplement if you just can't find the time..

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